Tag: travel

The 10 Best Travel Adapters to Buy In 2018

Keeping gadgets charged up has become a necessity while traveling, especially if you're a digital nomad or a boss lady. If you’re staying close to home, there are some adapters and chargers that prove to be very useful, but if you’re going abroad, you should know that voltage and...

Get to Know This Three Next-Level Cinco de Mayo Celebrations

Not every Cinco de Mayo celebration is going to be as festive as this sombrero-donned doggie, though, at a few hotels, there’s potential for this year’s celebration to come close. We’ve gathered three events that caught our eye, starting with a $500,000 tequila tasting in Mexico (which comes equipped...

6 Things Every Traveler Should Know Before Exchanging Money Overseas

Exchanging money to the currency of your destination can be a source of concern if you're not sure how to do it; this is as necessary as your passport, however, don't rush to change your money when you arrive at your destination! Exchange Houses at the airport, natives who seek...

Travelling With Wine: 5 Tips To Know

Wine can be one of the most cherished mementos you carry home from a trip with your partner, friends or family. If a spot is popular for its wine, bringing some back home is mandatory. But, you can’t just carry it home like another commodity. It requires pre-planning to...

5 Hacks To Keep Your Personal Belongings Secure While Traveling

When we are traveling, there's always a nagging concern about losing valuable objects which causes us to be stressed and often paranoid. Clothes, gadgets, and even personal care products are at the risk of getting lost while we are traveling, but there's always something we can do to keep...

Starting a solo travel adventure in Budapest soon? Here’s some tips to make the most of it!

Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and the capital of Hungary. This metropolitan is well-known as one of the largest and most densely populated cities in European Union. Art, technology, education, and entertainment are the center of this European paradise for solo traveling. Affordable, almost 100% safe, and...

5 Life Changing Things That Can Happen When You Travel Solo

So, let’s say you open yourself up to the world, and suddenly the world and so many of its amazing people, open themselves up to you. That's the solo travel experience you have to aim and here I´ll show you 5 things that only happen while you travel solo You...

Meet Today’s Featured Travel Instagrammer: Mella!

We found Mella's profile when she tagged us in one of her beautiful pictures and us immediately scrolled through her feed where we found about all of her adventures and saw very impressive pictures, which shortly lead us to give her a HUGE shoutout here on JOZU! Mella enjoys sightseeing,...

Jozu’s 2018 Travel Picks: Cajamarca, Peru

A favorite Inca stopover along the old Cusco-to-Quito Royal Highway -- complete with natural hot springs and fatefully large quantities of gold deposits in its surrounding hills -- Cajamarca still hasn't quite hit its full stride with international tourism the way it has over the centuries with indigenous emperors,...

What Can You Learn About Yourself by Traveling Solo?

Traveling alone not only helps you to get another perspective of the place you're visiting, it also tests you at many different levels. Have you asked yourself "what can I learn about me by just packing a suitcase and catching a flight to the first country that pops into...

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