Are you thinking of doing some trips and travels on your own? Well, sometimes we do not really have an option, sometimes you want to travel with other people but nobody really wants to travel with you; a more realistic situation is that nobody can afford or take time off work or the schedule just does not work. They just can’t intersect for the trip but you want to go so if you are going for a solo trip just remember there are certain benefits you can enjoy.
You are on your own schedule so you don’t have to wait for anybody. You can go wherever you want, you can take whatever detour you want, you can pound slab, you can pound dirt and do whatever you want to do.
It may sound very daunting. It means if the bike breaks down you have to fix it yourself. You learn what you are capable of and most of the times you are capable of a lot more than you think. It is one hack of self-esteem booster to know that you do not need anybody to be self-sufficient and go where you want to go.
You can be as social or anti-social as you want. You are more approachable when you are by yourself. When we travel in groups we tend to only interact with people in our group. You are most likely to run to other solo travellers and these are going to be some of the most interesting people that you will ever meet. Or, on the other hand, you can be as anti-social as you want. You can avoid 90% of human contact when you are travelling by yourself. Sometimes it is really nice to go two or three days without saying more than a couple of words to another person. It is a fantastic way to reconnect with yourself and spend some time alone with your thoughts.
Enjoy things. Your friend might not agree to go see the old town because they are not as much into history as you are or worse, they agree to go but their bored attitude ruins the experience for you. Do go by yourself and spend as much time as you want at your favorite spot. In the same way, you want to go shopping but your friends do not want to but if you are solo you can go shopping. But remember to keep looking for discount vouchers and coupons, promotional deals and promo codes to enable you to be in your budget.
Realize you are going from home for a few days or a week. Your life at home will not fall apart without you. You should, of course, make accommodations for any pets, plants and children in your care. But you should not let that keep you from going on the trip of your dreams. If you are going for a few days, life will go on without you and you can deal with anything else when you get back. You can deal with your friends; keep in touch and it will be like you never left when you got back and they are the ones who are going to listen to your stories. Not everyone will understand why you want to travel solo and it is OK. Sometimes it may be scary but do not stress too much about the what ifs, just do some research before about all the good places to stop and everything will be okay in the end.
Travelling solo is the best way to get with the flow and let go a lot of unnecessary stress. Things inevitably go wrong whether you are in a group or not. The difference between having a good trip or a bad one does not depend on it. If things go wrong it depends on how to choose to handle the bumps on the road and trust me these bumps are really easy to handle if you are by yourself.
Abigail Kent is a enthusiastic blogger, who loves to write on Trending topics related to lifestyle, traveling and money saving tips. She’s currently associated with Discount Codez, an online coupon code directory offering latest and updated deals, promo’s and vouchers. Follow her at Twitter.